
Co-founded by father-daughter team, Bryan and Bryn Elliott, M46 Ministries was born out of a story of tragedy and extreme losses redeemed by Jesus and transformed into a testimony of the living God. Together, they are passionate about embracing and sharing a kingdom lifestyle, living on earth as it is in heaven in their personal, professional, and everyday lives.

Kingdom Vision

At M46, we envision a world where the gospel of the kingdom is fully embraced by all believers, and where the church passionately equips, commissions, and sends out its people to expand the kingdom. As His kingdom grows, families are restored and strengthened, becoming the bedrock of society and God’s kingdom. There is no sacred-secular divide as every aspect of our lives matters to God. We see God’s mission lived out in every sphere of society, fulfilling His will on earth as it is in heaven.

Kingdom Mission

We are committed to shifting perspectives by embracing our kingdom identity and the limitless realm of heaven. Our mission is to equip believers to live out their divine purpose practically, joining heaven to earth and manifesting God’s kingdom in every aspect of life. Through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to bring redemption, restoration, and the reality of God’s love to all of creation.

Listen to Bryan and Bryn's stories firsthand on The Father Pursuit podcast!

Bryan & Bryn


Bryn S. Elliott

Bryn S. Elliott is an author, speaker, and co-founder of M46 Ministries. She has become a voice of truth for a lost generation since committing her life to Jesus at twenty years old following years of abuse, addiction, and family trauma. Bryn received ministry training through Youth With A Mission (YWAM), where she discovered a passion for serving mothers and children in need. Bryn is the author of Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy.

Bryan Elliott (P.Eng.)

Bryan is an entrepreneur, engineer, author, speaker, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and CEO of Flō Energy Solutions and holds multiple technology patents. Bryan is also the co-founder and chairman of Bee Me Kidz, co-founder and president of M46 Ministries, board member of Transform Our World Canada, board member of EPIC at Work, and serves in various advisory roles.

He is the author of More Than Gold and As in Heaven, with more projects underway. His adventurous side is highlighted by cycling across Canada, bungee jumping 364 feet off Victoria Falls Bridge in Africa, and skydiving, reflecting his dynamic life approach.

M46 was birthed from Malachi 4:6

He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.

The Backstory

Bryan Elliott grew up attending church and thought he was a Christian. At the age of 14, his image of a safe and connected family was shattered by a devastating gun accident that left his brother in a comatose state. As a result, Bryan’s family dynamic became one of unprocessed grief, resentment, and shame. By the time he entered his 20s, Bryan had slowly drifted away from the church and Christianity.  

Though Bryan became successful in business and spent much of his time doing good deeds and focusing on philanthropy, he lacked a solid foundation. He was riddled with anxiety, trusted in money, and unintentionally left doors wide open for the enemy to attack his family.

Bryan’s daughters, Abbe and Bryn, spent much of their adolescence in and out of rehabilitation facilities struggling with addiction, depression, and the emotional turmoil of a lifetime of abuse from someone close to the family as well as multiple rapes, suicide attempts, promiscuous activity, etc. 

In 2016, Jesus captured Bryan’s heart, and he submitted his life fully to Him. Then, in 2018, Bryan and Bryn’s lives were forever changed when their beloved Abbe, daughter, sister, and Bryn’s best friend, was brutally murdered at the tender age of 22.

Shortly after Abbe’s murder, the Lord spoke to Bryan from the Gospel of John, “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)

Like a seed that falls to the ground and dies, death proceeds life. Jesus’s death resulted in the greatest victory of all time for those who repent, believe, and receive His new creation life. His life and Spirit have been multiplied into His entire church through the Holy Spirit.

Abbe is safely home with her Father in heaven. Her life continues to bear much fruit through the ongoing testimony of her father and sister. Nothing wasted. Nothing lost. This is His kingdom. What the enemy intended for evil, God is now using for good through her father and sister. By God’s grace, Abbe’s death was not in vain, ultimately leading to Bryn’s salvation and a second chance to live the lives God intended for them from the start.

In the midst of extreme tragedy and brokenness, the thought of Bryan and Bryn coming together to start a ministry seemed impossible. By the grace of God, God opened door after door, and soon, they were ready to share their story with the world through M46 Ministries.

On May 23, 2022, four years to the day of Abbe’s murder, Bryan and Bryn launched M46 Ministries with the release of Bryn’s book, Dying to Live. Bryn’s book testifies to the promise of God in John 12:24, her glorious new creation life, and the process of being conformed into the image of Jesus.

Bryan released his first book, More Than Gold, on March 17, 2023, what would have been Abbe’s 26th birthday. Though Abbe’s life will forever be missed, God used her tragic loss to bring new life to the Elliott family.

To learn more about Bryan’s journey to the cross and how he has embraced a lifestyle of kingdom living, download a copy of his latest book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW. Printed copies can also be purchased on Amazon.
