

The Father Pursuit

Now Available!

The Father Pursuit, featuring Bryan and Bryn Elliott along with their friend Matt Davis of The Jewish Road podcast, takes a real look at what it means to be an intentional father who pursues his children, learning and growing from his mistakes to become the loving father our Father wants us to be.

The Father Pursuit is based on Bryan’s first book, More Than Gold. Listen as you read along!

Stay tuned for the As in Heaven podcast, coming soon.

The Father Pursuit Podcast Cover Art

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Episode 13: Hope, Holding On + Heaven’s Perspective

If you’ve ever watched a movie and felt the tension as the protagonist struggles to find a way out of their darkest moment, then you ...
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Episode 12: The Blessing Of Suffering?

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard ...
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Episode 11: Why Suffering

No one willingly enters into suffering, or do they? From martyrs to missionaries, there is a throughline and a history of saints who have put ...
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Episode 10: Growing Good Fruit

In the gospel of Matthew, it says, “By their fruit you will recognize them.” Known by our fruit. We may be able to talk a ...
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Episode 9: The Faith To Rest

“Sabbath is not dependent upon our readiness to stop. We do not stop when we are finished. We do not stop when we complete our ...
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Episode 8: When Forgiveness Feels Impossible

How often have we been hurt by people and felt that forgiving them is an impossible task? We are all guilty of holding onto grudges ...
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Episode 7: Listening For His Voice

If God truly spoke to us, many of us would second guess it. Can God be heard today and if this is true, what does ...
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Episode 6: An Invitation To Prayer & Worship

Chances are, if you haven’t truly met Jesus in relationship, prayer and worship probably feel like an impersonal task list or chore. Maybe you have ...
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Episode 5: Living As Sons And Daughters

Is it possible that a relationship with Jesus could impact every part of your life? If we’re honest we live compartmentalized lives that are all ...
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Episode 4: Out Of Religion And Into Relationship

Have you ever met someone you would put into the category of religious? It often feels like when we lean toward religion rather than God’s ...
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Episode 3: The (Often) Missing Link In The Church

Why don’t people always experience transformation after making Jesus Lord of their lives? Why do some people find themselves recommitting their lives to Jesus after ...
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Episode 2: Starting With The Gospel

Many people feel like they are walking around with a big hole in their heart where their father should be. This can lead to all ...
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Episode 1: A Story Of A Father, A Daughter, And God

Is there truly power in telling your story? What happens when we step out of our comfort zone and share the truth – even when ...
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Trailer: Welcome To The Father Pursuit

Welcome to the Father Pursuit Podcast. This is an M46 Ministries podcast about fathers who want to pursue their children. As God, our Father, pursues ...
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