
Prayer and Faith: How to Spiritually Cover Your Family

people outside in nature

In 2016, at age 46, I made Jesus Lord and began to take care of my brokenness and hurts for the first time in my life. Even today, as the Lord reveals wounds or traumas from the past or as new ones occur, I am quick to run after healing. To resolve the majority of […]

What are the different types of spiritual covering?

family outside in nature at sunset

God is sovereign, and we are one with Him, seated with Christ in heavenly places. As believers, we are tasked with establishing the rule and reign of King Jesus in every sphere of society on Earth, as it is in heaven. However, we need wisdom as we proceed. To be more specific, we need a […]

How Can Fathers Connect With Their Children?

father and son

“For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.” (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12) A Father’s Greatest Calling Children are our greatest blessing from the Lord, and how we […]

Guest Blog: The Importance of a Mother’s Blessing

mother and son

Donna Tadych, a close friend and the director of Heartsync for Texas was kind enough to contribute the following blog on a Mother’s Blessing. Her words impart great hope for new and young mothers.  The art of blessing our children is one that has largely been lost in modern culture. No matter how old or […]

Guest Blog: You are the Father’s Bridge Builder to Your Children (Part 2)

father and son

Donna Tadych, a close friend and the director of Heartsync for Texas was kind enough to contribute the following blog on the role of the father as a bridge builder. In Part 1, Donna speaks on the importance of bridge building. In Part 2, Donna teaches us how bridge building looks different at various stages […]

The Gift Your Parents Really Want This Christmas: Spiritual Blessing

blessing in senior years

This is the acknowledgement to my mother in my first, soon to be released book, More Than Gold (March 2023): “To my mom, Thank you for being unwavering in your faith, standing strong year after year in the midst of great trauma and personal loss. I will always be grateful for your strength, love, bravery, […]

A Father’s Blessing – Part 2

father daughter blessing

If you look at the families and parents and children who make up today’s culture, it’s not hard to see how the enemy has attempted to destroy what God intended for good. Single parents, estranged children, rampant divorce, abandonment, and dysfunctional people filled with bitterness and resentment only begin to describe the effects of fatherlessness […]

A Father’s Blessing – Part 1

a father's blessing

The Bible is a testament to the goodness of God and declares over and over how vast His love is for His children. Jesus won the victory over sin and death, and He reigns supreme. As sons and daughters, we get to appropriate His victory into every area of our lives and follow the ancient […]