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Dying to Live: A Fresh Perspective on Suffering

A close friend of mine, Charles Zimmerman, had some very deep comments on how my daughter Bryn’s book Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power ...
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Dying to Live: No Compromise

When Abbe and Bryn were struggling with addiction, I was spending $40,000 per month on various rehab centers doing whatever I could to get them ...
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Victim vs. Victor Mindset (Excerpt from Dying to Live)

The following is an excerpt from Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy, by Bryn S. Elliott. Chapter 17 A ...
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Entering His Presence with Thanks

“Lift up a great shout of joy to Yahweh! Go ahead and do it—everyone, everywhere! Worship Yahweh with gladness. Sing your way into his presence ...
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The Father's Prayer

The Father’s Prayer

Pray Like This Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 in a prayer we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” The Lord’s prayer is the ...
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the identity project

The Identity Project

A good friend of mine, George La Du, founded the Identity Project and has been preaching on the Father’s love for 40+ years. George’s ministry ...
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the divine dance

The Divine Dance

Some have described the mystery of the Trinity as “the Divine Dance.” This term comes from the Greek word perichoresis, which means “to dance around” ...
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Experiencing The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Part 2

Experiencing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Part 2

To read Experiencing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Part 1, click here. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. In other words, He is ...
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Experiencing The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Part 1

Experiencing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Part 1

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” – 2 ...
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father's love letter

A Father’s Love Letter

For many years, I had no idea of how God really felt about me and didn’t know that a relationship with Jesus was even possible. ...
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father daughter blessing

A Father’s Blessing – Part 2

If you look at the families and parents and children who make up today’s culture, it’s not hard to see how the enemy has attempted ...
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a father's blessing

A Father’s Blessing – Part 1

The Bible is a testament to the goodness of God and declares over and over how vast His love is for His children. Jesus won ...
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