5 Ways to Cultivate Intimacy With Christ During the Holidays

By The M46 Team

Remembering Jesus is something that’s important for every season of our lives. However, God made the natural world operate with distinct seasons and He loves the changes that come with different weather patterns and landscape alterations. The season of Christmas is a time to remember Jesus in deeply meaningful ways. 

Although the holiday season is filled with festivities that have roots in the narrative of Christ’s birth (whether or not He was actually born on December 25 is irrelevant), it can be easy to gloss over or become distracted from the biblical messages of Christmas. However, what’s most important, even in acknowledging the holiday’s Christian roots, is actually connecting with Christ. Cultivating intimacy with Jesus can become a central part of celebrating Christmas all year long, not just on the day of or during the month of December. Jesus states in John 15:4, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (NIV). Connection with Jesus creates a peaceful, fruit-bearing life, that can create peaceful, fruit-bearing connections with others.

5 Ways to Cultivate Intimacy

Remaining in Jesus and staying connected to the vine can feel difficult during extra busy and crowded vacation times. Carving out moments for quiet reflection and meditation by yourself and with others can help quell the flurry of continual movement. Amazingly, regular Christmas and New Years festivities can actually provide a platform to host these moments. The key is maintaining your internal connection with the King of kings. Consider how the following “typical” holiday activities can create an opportunity for deeper relationship with Jesus: 

  1. Driving around looking at Christmas lights is made brighter when you are aware of the presence of God moving in and through you. 
  2. Recognizing the image of God in the faces of your friends and family around you can fill your mind with worship for God’s brilliance in His creation. 
  3. Setting aside some of your extra time off to spend more time with the Lord can breathe new life into you and your awareness of His heart for your future. 
  4. Letting Jesus’ love flow through you to others at holiday parties and gatherings.
  5. Giving gifts to bless others with tangible touches of God’s love and letting Jesus help you pick out the perfect presents can deeply impact lives! (If you think you’re too late, you’re not!)   

The Promise of Hope

The arrival of the Messiah in the birth of Jesus fulfilled one of the most important promises God made to Israel and began the most important phase of His plan to redeem the world. Because of that, hope permeates this celebration! 

God wants to fill this time of year with His joy, His love, His light, His perfect peace, and His protection. While you rest in Him as you move toward the new year, He will fight your battles and fill you with His presence. 

Cultivating intimacy with Jesus during the holiday season by remembering Him through the festivities will draw you closer to Him. Ask Him to give you a deeper revelation of His saving grace and marvelous love this holiday season! 

The team at M46 is praying that He will bless you more than you could ever imagine and you will get to know His heart and passionate love for you as we close this year with joy and grateful hearts. 

For more ideas, check out How to Create Christ-Centered Traditions With Your Family This Christmas.