Is it reasonable to believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

As we celebrate Holy Week leading up to Easter, there is no better time to delve deeper into the death and resurrection of Christ. My dad, Bryan, and I have been working on co-writing our next book that is purely focused on apologetics (defending the faith).  In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter tells us, “But in […]

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Part 2)


Salvation is Just the Beginning Salvation (being born again) is just the inception point of the journey with Jesus although, sadly, many Christians stall at this point because the gospel of the Kingdom has not been preached. The next step after choosing to follow Jesus is to receive the Holy Spirit by being baptized. It […]

The Identity Project

the identity project

A good friend of mine, George La Du, founded the Identity Project and has been preaching on the Father’s love for 40+ years. George’s ministry deeply instills the truth that you are who the Father says you are (His masterpiece!). Knowing who you are and who you belong to opens your heart to the Father’s […]

The Divine Dance

the divine dance

Some have described the mystery of the Trinity as “the Divine Dance.” This term comes from the Greek word perichoresis, which means “to dance around” and the Latin word circulatio, which describes a circular dance between three persons, “such that each person is in the other two, while the others are in each one. At […]

Experiencing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Part 1

Experiencing The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Part 1

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” – 2 Corinthians 13:14 Scripture reveals to us over and over, through both testaments, the nature of God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There are dozens […]

Fight for Your Family Through Prayer


As parents, we must fight for our children, and prayer is essential for protection and enforcing victory against the enemy’s schemes. When a mother and father come to agreement in prayer (and in unity within the marriage), the authority they have in the Spirit to war over their family is unmatched. Even as a single […]

God as Father

man in prayer

Turning Your Heart to God For fathers, the key to stepping into our role as men and leaders of our family is to see and experience God as Father. Remember, Jesus came to make a way to the Father and to reveal the heart of His Father to the world. We love because He first […]