
What is the Kingdom Reality (Part 2 of 2)

This blog was adapted from Bryan’s upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW.  In last month’s blog I shared with you just a taste of what I’ve experienced in God’s kingdom, focusing on the blessing of suffering and experiencing peace and joy above my circumstances. If you haven’t read that yet, I […]

Prayer and Faith: How to Spiritually Cover Your Family

people outside in nature

In 2016, at age 46, I made Jesus Lord and began to take care of my brokenness and hurts for the first time in my life. Even today, as the Lord reveals wounds or traumas from the past or as new ones occur, I am quick to run after healing. To resolve the majority of […]

Guest Blog: You are the Father’s Bridge Builder to Your Children (Part 2)

father and son

Donna Tadych, a close friend and the director of Heartsync for Texas was kind enough to contribute the following blog on the role of the father as a bridge builder. In Part 1, Donna speaks on the importance of bridge building. In Part 2, Donna teaches us how bridge building looks different at various stages […]

The Father’s Prayer

The Father's Prayer

Pray Like This Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 in a prayer we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” The Lord’s prayer is the perfect prayer. (Unsurprisingly, the prayer contains seven petitions with seven being the number of covenant and the number of perfection and completion.) That said, for much of my life, I […]