In the Kingdom, it’s all Holy

By Bryan Elliott, M46 Ministries

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

–1 Corinthians 10:31

The Bible doesn’t include any references to “lay” people. Instead, we are referred to as “holy ones” or “saints of God.” Therefore, whatever we do has significance for God and His kingdom and is holy and spiritual. All creation, visible and invisible, is a part of God’s dominion. He holds everything together, and His rule is established in all spheres of life, from the smallest to the largest. Everything matters to God!

For the believer, there is no distinction between what’s holy (spiritual) and secular (non-spiritual) in God’s kingdom. Everything is holy. Everything is sacred. This understanding allows us to participate in God’s plan to save and redeem the world. We are made to govern and reign in every aspect of our life as the children of the King. Jesus gave us just one command: to love. Recall that the crowning achievement of adulthood in the kingdom is love. And it is God’s supernatural love that empowers us to live without the sacred-secular divide. 

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

–1 Peter 2:9-10

Is Your Business Set Apart? 

Our purpose is to spread the kingdom of God on earth by leading Spirit-filled lives and having complete access to heaven. We are inherently spirit-led when we abide, speak, and listen to God in EVERYTHING we do. Throughout our days, we are kept linked to Jesus and His kingdom by the knowledge that our jobs, families, and lives are holy.  Every facet of our lives present an opportunity to exalt God and further His kingdom. This covers everything—our everyday responsibilities, alone time, marriage, kids, family, job, neighborhood, friendships, church, etc.

Years ago, I started a company called Flō Energy Solutions Inc. As a believer, I know Flō is holy to God, just as holy as our family ministry (M46 Ministries). I’m simply a steward of both, and my goal is to do business and ministry according to the principles and values of the kingdom, honoring God and prayerfully making decisions each day.

Recognizing that there is no sacred-secular split, we employ prophetic intercessors as paid employees at Flō. A woman named Chantal is one of them. Chantal spent more than ten years leading worship in a house of prayer before joining Flō in 2016 and has led the Flō prayer team since 2019. Chantal has played a significant role in imparting biblical knowledge and wisdom as well as supporting and enabling people’s spiritual development. 

Everything is Worship

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)

Our bodies are gifts from God; they are not our own. Our true lives are hidden in Christ! As such, EVERYTHING we do is sacred and an opportunity to worship! The natural exhilaration of normal church-style worship might make ordinary, daily life business seem less holy. However, everything we do is an invitation to worship God with our hearts and actions – our whole being! We live, work, and play to reflect God’s kingdom in all facets of life, all to the glory of God. We realize that in God’s kingdom, our bodies and deeds have sacred significance.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

–Ephesians 2:10

We were purchased at a cost. Jesus’s hands are now our hands. How will we use them? Jesus’s feet are our feet. Where are we going? Jesus’s eyes are our eyes. What are we going to look at? Jesus’s ears are our ears. What voices are we going to listen to?

We are living gates between heaven and earth. We no longer live, but Christ lives in us. Everything is sacred. Everything is spiritual. Everything counts. Embracing this reality and living in the fullness of His kingdom allows us to become vessels through which heaven is brought to earth. 

Let’s accept our role as a royal priesthood and live each day with purpose and a sincere commitment to the Lord. Let’s approach everything we do as an ongoing act of worship, confessing that Christ is present in our lives. 

About As in Heaven

As in Heaven has been described as a kingdom textbook or manual—a long-term resource for believers. It offers a comprehensive guide on how to navigate the challenges of life while holding on to the promises of God. Through stories of personal transformation, testimonies of God’s faithfulness, and biblical teachings, As in Heaven equips readers to live with a kingdom mindset, bringing heaven to earth in their own lives.

To learn more about the kingdom of God, download a FREE copy of Bryan’s new book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW or purchase a copy on Amazon.

The audio version of the book will also be available for free in late September.