Prayer and Faith: How to Spiritually Cover Your Family

people outside in nature

In 2016, at age 46, I made Jesus Lord and began to take care of my brokenness and hurts for the first time in my life. Even today, as the Lord reveals wounds or traumas from the past or as new ones occur, I am quick to run after healing. To resolve the majority of […]

Guest Blog: The Importance of a Mother’s Blessing

mother and son

Donna Tadych, a close friend and the director of Heartsync for Texas was kind enough to contribute the following blog on a Mother’s Blessing. Her words impart great hope for new and young mothers.  The art of blessing our children is one that has largely been lost in modern culture. No matter how old or […]

Dying to Live: No Compromise


When Abbe and Bryn were struggling with addiction, I was spending $40,000 per month on various rehab centers doing whatever I could to get them help and keep them safe. For a period of time, it worked. However, whenever they came back to the real world, they would fall back into their destructive lifestyles because […]

The Father’s Prayer

The Father's Prayer

Pray Like This Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 in a prayer we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” The Lord’s prayer is the perfect prayer. (Unsurprisingly, the prayer contains seven petitions with seven being the number of covenant and the number of perfection and completion.) That said, for much of my life, I […]

Fight for Your Family Through Prayer


As parents, we must fight for our children, and prayer is essential for protection and enforcing victory against the enemy’s schemes. When a mother and father come to agreement in prayer (and in unity within the marriage), the authority they have in the Spirit to war over their family is unmatched. Even as a single […]