
From Redemption to Restoration: Bringing Heaven to Earth (Part 2)

By Bryan Elliott, M46 Ministries

When we know the truth, Jesus, we will be set free. When we know the truth of the superior and supreme kingdom, we will live free and fully alive! The presence of the King changes everything! 

Looking Like Jesus

He is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the firstborn heir of all creation. For in him was created the universe of things, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it all exists through him and for his purpose! He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.

–Colossians 1:15-17, TPT

The fear of the Lord, which includes pure worship, wonder, awe, respect, adoration, and astonishment, together with a desire for sanctity and purity, is the foundation of Jesus’s supremacy as our Lord and King. All of creation is under the ultimate control and sovereignty of God. The basis of the kingdom is Jesus’s ultimate supremacy. God is always on His throne, unchallenged, supreme, always joyful, and in celebration. We can boldly enter His throne of grace, the epicenter of the universe, where His infinite love and mercy flow. Here, we find our true identity and purpose, empowered by His Spirit to bring His Kingdom to earth in every sphere of life.

So now we draw near freely and boldly to where grace is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen  us in our time of weakness.

–Hebrew 4:16, TPT

And now we are brothers and sisters in God’s family because of the blood of Jesus, and he welcomes us to come into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm—boldly and without hesitation. For he has dedicated a new,  life-giving way for us to approach God.

–Hebrews 10:19-20, TPT

For God is the triumphant King; all the powers of the earth are his. So sing your celebration songs of highest praise to the glorious Enlightened One! Our God reigns over every nation. He reigns on his holy throne over all.

–Psalms 47:7-8, TPT

We are supposed to be as clear-sighted as Jesus! As heirs to God’s throne, we are a royal priesthood, ambassadors of heaven, and sons and daughters of God. We are members of God’s everlasting kingdom, bringing His kingdom to earth just as it exists in heaven. We are aware of our destination—the accomplishment of God’s grand design to spend eternity in His kingdom.

There is no separation–ever! We are forever and eternally in Christ! When we surrender, fully yielded and available, we are under the authority of heaven and the realm of power is made available to us. When the King has dominion, the result is the expansion of His kingdom and the displacement of darkness. As heavenly gates, we are created to invade and displace darkness. As royal ambassadors and agents of change and transformation, we rule from the heavenly realm with governmental authority to release life and love. As we take responsibility for assignments on the earth in partnership with heaven, we move in the authority of heaven. The kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy will rule and reign, and a new government of love will be established and will continue to expand. 

Drawn in by Love: Transformed by Grace

God’s purity and kindness continuously pull us in and change us into the image of Jesus—a process that is entirely grace-based. We do not need to be perfect or holy to approach Him. His unending, unwavering love is like a magnet that draws us closer to Him every day, making us more like Him. We don’t wait until we are pure to go to Him; we go to Him to be made pure. This is true when we are saved and remains true as we grow older and realize our life union with Jesus.

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. 

–Romans, 12:2 TPT

“The presence of His kingdom of righteousness convicts, not condemns, our hearts to turn back to Him, and His kindness leads us to repentance. What is repentance? Repentance means to turn from sin and to turn towards God or to return home. When we accept Jesus, by grace, our spirits are born again as entirely new creations. Repentance is not a result of the flesh but God moving in our hearts, calling us back to who we truly are as new creations. Repentance means to change the way we think, from the Greek word metanoia, which means “to have a transformed heart.” It results in a profound change of perspective, changing how we behave.”

–Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven

From Redemption to Restoration 

Jesus’s dominion, rule, and reign constitute the kingdom of God. It starts in our hearts and spreads to our families and other circles. His family is His dominion! As the body of Christ, we now belong to God and to each other! Since it is a victory for His kingdom, a victory for one is a victory for all! We are moms and dads, sisters and brothers, growing in our relationship with God and living beneath the open sky that will keep growing both within and outside of us.

Now that we are citizens of the kingdom, we reflect the traits and essence of our King. We accomplish His divine purpose by becoming His hands and feet—tangible manifestations of His love, peace, and joy poured forth through us. God uses us and our actions to accomplish His objectives, which include first being loved and then showing that love to others through us. 

In all we do, we are to practically fulfill our destiny and bring paradise to earth. This is God’s kingdom—His will being carried out in and through His people, on earth as it is in heaven. Our faith, which is from God and is put into practice by us, manifests itself in love as a partnership with Him. By putting faith into practice, as faith expresses itself through love, praising God, and enticing people into His kingdom, the kingdom grows on earth!

Expanding the Kingdom

Everything changes when the kingdom of God comes to pass! We are living in an era of immense grace! I have discovered that everything is by the glorious grace of God.  

Don’t forget God is happy to be with you at all times. He is the ultimate giver of delight and life. Our heavenly Father completely knows you, loves you without conditions and cherishes you genuinely. His love-filled and boundless thoughts are directed toward you. He decided to live inside of you because He loves you so much! 

Everything we do is unto the Lord, glorifying Him as an act of worship. We are called to be faithful stewards of everything God places in our hands. As we grow in faithfulness and excellence, essentially doing the ordinary extraordinarily well, God will increase our authority in the supernatural realm. This mirrors the parable of the minas in Luke 19:11-27, in which those who were faithful exercised their gifts and abilities, took risks, and multiplied what they were given, and were rewarded with greatly increased authority. As Jesus said, “Whoever is faithful with little will also be faithful with much” (Luke 16:10). This is the key to living naturally supernaturally.

Life in the kingdom is Spirit-led. We are now seated in heavenly realms, giving us full access to a faith-rest life. We pray from this place of authority, resulting in the power of the Holy Spirit being released in and through our lives. The superior kingdom is within us, and we have 24/7 access through the Holy Spirit and our life union with Jesus. By faithfully stewarding our God-given talents and opportunities, we align ourselves with His purposes, allowing His supernatural power to work through our natural efforts, bringing His kingdom to earth. We are now in God’s eternal family. As heirs, we share the ‘commonwealth,’ with full access to heaven and its limitless resources. As Christ has no limits, neither do we. It is all by grace, as apart from Him, we can do nothing. Only because of grace, we are seated with Christ now, pure, holy, and blameless in His sight. His righteousness is now ours. We are the righteousness of Christ.

The kingdom of God is the supernatural, made natural, practical, and tangbible. The kingdom of God is love in action.

As in Heaven, Bryan Elliott

It’s our prayer that every believer experiences the fullness of His kingdom and the accomplishment of His will on earth, just as it is in heaven! 

Empowered by His great grace, may we be vessels of His divine purpose, demonstrating His love, power, and glory in every area of influence and bringing heaven to earth via our lives, faith, and practical deeds. 

Yahweh has established his throne in heaven; his kingdom rules the entire universe.

–Psalms 103:19, TPT



About M46 Ministries 

M46 Ministries started out as a family restoration ministry based on Malachi 4:6, as the family is the cornerstone of both our society and His kingdom. The foundation of what we do and who we are is the power of Jesus and His capacity to work for our benefit and His glory through our experiences of great sorrow, loss, and restoration. Our mission is to bring heaven to earth, change lives, and rebuild families by the presence and power of Jesus, who we believe is the key to spreading the gospel of the kingdom of God.

At M46, we see a world in which every believer completely embraces the gospel of the kingdom and where the church enthusiastically trains, commissions, and sends out its members to further the kingdom. Families are strengthened and repaired as God’s kingdom expands, serving as the cornerstone of both society and God’s dominion. God values all facets of our existence; thus, there is no separation between the holy and the secular. In every aspect of society, we desire to see God’s purpose being carried out, accomplishing His will on earth as it is in heaven. Our goal is to empower Christians to practically fulfill their divine calling, bringing heaven and earth together and bringing God’s kingdom to pass in all spheres of life. We want to offer redemption, restoration, and the truth of God’s love to all of creation by the power of the Holy Spirit’s transformation.