From Redemption to Restoration: Bringing Heaven to Earth (Part 1)

By Bryan Elliott, M46 Ministries

King Jesus unconditionally and perfectly loves His subjects. He is a King who is humble and meek. His kingdom is built on honour. It is a kingdom of family and a kingdom of heavenly relationships in unity and oneness. This is a kingdom where everyone flourishes, lives abundantly, and is governed and defined by love. In this kingdom of perfect righteousness and justice, perfect peace, joy, fun, and celebration all exist all the time.

–As in Heaven, Bryan Elliott

We do not have to imagine a kingdom of hope, destiny, and legacy. We get to live in one, now and into eternity, as citizens of heaven. The kingdom is a place bursting with fruitfulness, life, and light. Our King is responsible for providing for us and protecting us. He is glorified by our fruitfulness. Those in the kingdom share an inheritance with the King as adopted sons and daughters of God. And as we wait for our King’s physical return, we are privileged to serve as His ambassadors and stewards.

–As in Heaven, Bryan Elliott

God’s ultimate goal and original blueprint for the world is the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Rooted in selflessness, love, respect, mercy, generosity, service, and blessing, His kingdom prioritizes the well-being of others. It is typified by delight in the Holy Spirit, righteousness, and peace. Through His people, God’s kingdom brings about change and redemption, making His love, glory, and power evident in every area of impact.

In the kingdom, light triumphs over darkness, and life swallows death. Our light shines brighter the deeper the darkness. In order for Jesus to establish His church, we are expected to take the kingdom of God to where darkness is firmly established! Grace is much more abundant when sin is prevalent, as grace is a sin conquering power. The natural world is a manifestation of spiritual activity, as everything seen originates from the unseen realm. Therefore, a spirit-led life filled with prayer is key to manifesting His kingdom on earth. As conduits or dispensers of the kingdom on the earth, we get to make the invisible kingdom visible!

Our unity and close relationship with Jesus serve as living examples of God’s earthly kingdom. Our task is to increase the kingdom of God’s influence in all spheres of our lives and the world by living out the fact that it already exists inside each of us. There is no limit to the expansion of His peace and rule!

Transformed by the Kingdom! 

We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

–2 Corinthians 3:18, TPT

The gospel of the kingdom has completely transformed my life, taking me from the depths of terrible personal catastrophes and unbelievable loss to the peaks of restoration and hope. I have seen the inscredible restoration that the kingdom of God has brought to my family, company, and beyond.

Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace.

–Ephesians 1:7, TPT

The blood has permanently disposed of all sin and has entirely satisfied God. It is only the blood that satisfies God, never our own works. Our life is now in Christ! Through the cross, we have died with Christ and been resurrected with Him as a new creation. We have died to our old sinful nature and this natural realm. Sin is now a dethroned monarch. It is finished and complete. God has done it all so that no man can boast. Our part is to believe. Salvation is a free gift to us, but it cost God everything. Simply by exercising faith, we have received a new heart and a new spirit and are in the process of renewing our minds, awakening to this new reality of our life union with Jesus. It is no longer we who live but Christ who lives in us! Every barrier between heaven and earth has been removed.

Your crucifixion with Christ has severed the tie to this life, and now your true life is hidden away in God in Christ. And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with him in his glory!

–Colossians 3:3-4, TPT

We have joined the kingdom of God by the free gift of grace (divine enablement, unmerited favor, aggressive forgiveness, sin-defeating strength) by faith alone. We enter the kingdom via the door of salvation, which is Jesus. When we give our life to Jesus and declare Him to be our Lord and King, the journey officially starts. Our life in return for His is a beautiful trade. We have received a totally new spirit, identity, and citizenship. Our future is redeemed by God’s grace. Remember, salvation is just the beginning! 

By faith, we submit to King Jesus and come under the rule, might, provision, and protection of heaven when we repent and declare Jesus to be Lord. When we do this, we move from our residence on earth to the kingdom of heaven. When that happens, everything changes! How we see others, handle our money, and go about our daily lives is no longer “earthly.” 

The greatest life on earth is now lived for the kingdom of heaven! In the belief that everything will be added to us, we are commanded to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. The heavenly dominion is everlasting, unstoppable, and unconquerable. We are citizens of heaven now—a colony of heaven, a commonwealth, a holy nation. Christ inside us, our glorious hope!

After Salvation Comes Redemption

As followers of Christ, we are to be prepared, given missions, and sent out to establish God’s kingdom across society. Families are strengthened and repaired as His kingdom grows, and they form the cornerstone of both society and God’s kingdom. God’s purpose is to be acted out in all spheres of life, bringing heaven down to earth and offering divine, comprehensive redemptive solutions—by the grace of God, collaborating with God and others—to the world’s issues wherever God has placed us. There is no sacred-secular boundary

As we embrace the boundless domain of heaven, we transform our viewpoints and accept that anything is achievable for those who have faith, bringing His kingdom to life wherever we go. God’s power being seen in our lives is proof of His existence and involvement. The origin of all Godly change is God Himself. The coming of the kingdom is brought about by His Spirit, not by worldly strength or might! We are powerless without His grace; God’s love and grace are evident in even the air that breathes into our lungs.