
From Redemption to Restoration: Bringing Heaven to Earth (Part 1)

By Bryan Elliott, M46 Ministries King Jesus unconditionally and perfectly loves His subjects. He is a King who is humble and meek. His kingdom is built on honour. It is a kingdom of family and a kingdom of heavenly relationships in unity and oneness. This is a kingdom where everyone flourishes, lives abundantly, and is […]

Where does M46 Ministries get its name?

climbing mountain

Malachi was written to address God’s people’s spiritual complacency, a highly relevant topic for our generation. M46 takes the words of the prophet Malachi seriously. With fatherlessness (the social crisis of our day) at an all-time historic high, we can take comfort knowing God’s message through Malachi is one of hope for our generation. See, […]

Setting the Stage: My Life as a Father

bryan and daughters

He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. Malachi 4:6 NIV Living far from the promises of Malachi 4:6 – Setting the Stage Just a few short years ago, my heart was not […]