
Dying to Live: A Fresh Perspective on Suffering


A close friend of mine, Charles Zimmerman, had some very deep comments on how my daughter Bryn’s book Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power In the Midst of Tragedy changed His perspective on pain and suffering, bolstering His faith and trust in God for whatever may come his way.  My daughter’s life was marked […]

Dying to Live: No Compromise


When Abbe and Bryn were struggling with addiction, I was spending $40,000 per month on various rehab centers doing whatever I could to get them help and keep them safe. For a period of time, it worked. However, whenever they came back to the real world, they would fall back into their destructive lifestyles because […]

Victim vs. Victor Mindset (Excerpt from Dying to Live)


The following is an excerpt from Dying to Live: Experiencing God’s Redemptive Power in the Midst of Tragedy, by Bryn S. Elliott. Chapter 17 A big reason I kept living with a victim mindset for so long was that I didn’t know I had the power to change. I didn’t understand that being a victim […]