By Bryan Elliott, M46 Ministries
It is incredible how far-reaching marketplace ministries or Kingdom businesses can become, as business provides a platform to influence others in places the church could never reach. On October 7th, I had the honor of being invited by Embassy Connections Canada to address ambassadors, senators, high commissioners, members of parliament, and business leaders at their annual Thanksgiving dinner, held at the historic Château Laurier in Ottawa. The dinner, a significant gathering for 97 governmental leaders representing 29 nations, provided a unique platform to share about the Kingdom of God and its impact on our lives, families, and nations.
A Divine Gathering
A week before my speaking engagement in Ottawa, I began praying about what to share that night. During one of our prayer meetings, Lynda, a member of our prayer team, suddenly exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, I’m going to be in Ottawa at the exact same time as you!” It felt like such a divine connection, clearly orchestrated by God. Then, during a Transform Our World Canada board meeting, Derk Matt, the chair, mentioned that he and his wife Annita would also be in Ottawa visiting their grandkids and would love to attend. Derk, who had recently chaired the political campaign of a prominent Member of Parliament, was added to the invite list. Incredibly, God surrounded me with my prayer team and these dear friends—spiritual fathers and mothers of our nation—at such a key moment. It was truly beautiful to see God’s hand at work.
As I arrived at the Château Laurier Hotel, situated next to the Parliament buildings, I immediately sensed the presence of God and the activity of governmental angels moving throughout the city. This was no surprise, as the Kingdom of God is inherently governmental. That morning, I gathered with my prayer team, and with the anointing oil I always carry from Israel—a must-have for every kingdom marketplace CEO—I anointed the Canada Room, a space historically used for diplomatic events and hosting influential figures. We blessed the entrance and prayed over the participants, inviting God’s presence to fill the atmosphere and cover the gathering.
A Moment of Faith and Prayer
Around 6:30 p.m., as I entered the room for the dinner, a friend and sister in the Kingdom, a federal Member of Parliament from the west coast, smiled at me—someone I hadn’t expected to see. I asked her to pray for me, and in a moment of profound significance, she laid hands on me and prayed on behalf of the government of Canada, welcoming me into Ottawa. This powerful beginning stirred faith and awe in the room, opening hearts to receive God in a deeper way through the fear of the Lord.
Setting the Stage
In my opening remarks, I mentioned that I too am an “ambassador” but that I would discuss my ambassadorship later in the evening.
On the evening of the event, the setup of the room felt formal, with a podium on stage, but that’s not my style. I prefer a casual and personal setting, so I asked the organizers if I could have a microphone that would allow me to stand by the tables and connect more naturally with the audience. Thankfully, they agreed, which set the tone for what was to come.
Sharing My Journey
My prayer team encouraged me to go slowly and speak clearly, but that’s just not me. I thrive on excitement and energy and could feel the intense fire of God burning within me. So, as I began, I told the audience, “This is going to be a very different type of talk.” I laid out the plan: First, I’d give an overview of my company, Flō; then I’d share about our nonprofit, Bee Me Kidz; and after that, I’d delve into my personal testimony before wrapping up with some thoughts on faith, engineering style!
I started by telling them about the inception of Flō Energy Solutions—how we began with one major business challenge from Loblaw, which we solved, and they became our very first customer. I shared stories of the hurdles we overcame, the multiple patents we developed, and how we’ve grown as a company to impact the food retail industry across North America. Despite the early struggles, that same customer is still with us 25 years later.
Next, I transitioned to Bee Me Kidz, providing an overview of its origins. Interestingly, Bee Me Kidz was born out of the total failure of another organization working in the poverty space. This experience gave us valuable insight into the real issues, and from that, Bee Me Kidz was developed. I shared how our program impacts not only children but also their parents, families, schools, and entire communities. It’s a five-year program, focused on grades 1 through 5 and their families, and I shared transformative stories from those years, illustrating the profound impact it has had on countless lives.
My Personal Testimony
Then I got personal. I shared the deep, painful parts of my story—my family’s history of tragedy, how I left the Lord at age 18, and how pride, rebellion, and self-reliance defined the next 28 years. In 2016, I returned to the Lord amidst the heartache of having two daughters in addiction. I walked the audience through a five-year journey of ‘slash and burn,’ where everything seemed to fall apart, including the murder of my daughter, Abbe.
I explained how the next morning, after Abbe’s death, I woke up with an overwhelming sense of peace and joy. I emphasized that the peace I felt was Jesus Himself. “Joy and peace aren’t just feelings; joy is a person and peace is a person—Jesus.” I honored Derk and Annita Maat as they had walked through these years with me, even meeting me as I left the hospital after hearing the news of Abbe’s death.

I then shared the perfect storm of personal challenges I faced: financial strains on my business that went into years of sharp decline, the loss of another company, loss of my home and marriage, a divorce, a corporate lawsuit, a three-year long murder trial, and almost losing my youngest daughter, Bryn, all during the pandemic.
The Wonder of Our Creator
I then shifted to speaking about the wonder of our Creator and the awe-inspiring vastness and fine-tuning of the universe. Citing Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and Colossians 1, I explained how everything—visible and invisible, in the heavenly realms and on earth—was created through and for Jesus. I marveled at the intricacy of our human bodies, showing how even down to the atomic structure, everything points back to our Creator. In His glory, no one is left with an excuse to deny Him because the beauty and design of creation testify so clearly to His existence.
From there, I shifted to speak about the King of the universe—the One who created it all. I invited the group to imagine the Creator of the universe—the One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who measures the heavens with the span of His hand, the star-breathing God whose glory and brilliance are beyond comprehension. This is Jesus, the resurrected King, now standing in total victory at the right hand of the Father. His power is unmatched, His authority unshakable, and He reigns supreme, seated in the heavens with all dominion under His feet.
Yet, in an astonishing act of love and humility, this King of all creation chose to step into time—not in the splendor of His glory, but as a helpless baby, born in a lowly manger. He walked among us as a humble servant, revealing the very heart of our invisible Father, making His nature visible and tangible to a world in darkness.
This same Jesus, who spoke galaxies into existence, humbled Himself to the point of death—even death on a cross. Why? For the joy set before Him, He endured it all. That joy was you. It was me. It was all of humanity. His immeasurable love, His kindness, His mercy—these are what draw us back to Him, leading us to repentance and calling us home. Through His death and triumphant resurrection, Jesus disarmed all the powers of darkness, securing total victory over sin and death.
Closing with Victory and Joy
I then returned to my testimony, closing with, “I want to give you an overview of what God has done and how so much has been redeemed – glory to God!” I shared about my journey from 2016 until now, highlighting the remarkable personal transformation God has brought into my life. I spoke of His goodness, how He has restored and renewed so much. I gave a snapshot of Bryn, explaining who she was before and who she is now—radiating with the glory of God. I shared how she earned a biblical studies degree from YWAM, has written books, and now joins me on podcasts and blogs, sharing her testimony. She even works at my company now, and I gave all glory to God for how He has worked so powerfully in her life.
Next, I spoke about Flō, explaining that despite the challenges, the company is stronger than ever, firmly rooted in deep biblical foundations. I mentioned our prayer room at the office and how essential our prayer teams have been to our success. Then, I transitioned to Bee Me Kidz, explaining how the program experienced a decline during that challenging season in my life. But now, Bee Me Kidz has a strong board, diversified funding, and a capable leadership team. It’s now sustainable long-term and poised for growth and acceleration.
I also spoke about M46 Ministries, sharing how Bryn and I never imagined we would be leading a ministry. But God had other plans. I explained how we had to shift the ministry’s launch date by three weeks, and when we looked at the new date, we realized it was the day Abbe went to heaven. I shared how the scripture God gave me after Abbe’s death—“Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it will bear much fruit” (John 12:24)—was fulfilled as M46 launched on that very day, and Bryn’s book, Dying to Live, was released the next day. I concluded by reflecting on how God has expanded His work through me in so many unexpected ways, and I gave all glory to Him for every part of it.
As I closed, I shared the incredible transformation God has brought in my life, how He has restored my family and business, and how His love and faithfulness continue to carry me. I shared that as I drove into Ottawa and saw the Peace Tower, I was reminded of one of the scriptures engraved on it: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth” (Psalm 72:8). To end the evening, I led everyone in the Lord’s Prayer, inviting those who were so inclined to declare it aloud with me, sealing the moment with a powerful proclamation of God’s Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven.
To my surprise, after the talk, there was an outpouring of joy and excitement from many of the attendees. A tangible sense of the Kingdom—righteousness, peace, and joy—filled the atmosphere. People came up to take selfies with me, others asked me to sign their copies of As in Heaven, and one person said, “I needed to hear this.” Some gave me hugs, while others took extra copies of the book to share with their premier or senior officials. One ambassador even ran up and asked, “Why did so much happen to you?” With a smile, I jokingly replied, “God had to shake the hell out of me.”
It was an incredible privilege to speak at the event, and truly so much fun! As a parting gift, each person received a copy of my new book As in Heaven. Even the hotel staff who were present asked for copies. It was clear that God was moving powerfully in the hearts of everyone there.

At the end of the event, a couple approached me from Leading Influence, a ministry based in Ottawa that ministers to government officials. I was shocked when they asked if I knew Chantal, who is head of our prayer team at Flō. From the very beginning until the end of the event, God was showing Himself in small and big ways.
A New Dawn in Ottawa
The next morning, I woke up just after 4 a.m. and left Ottawa around 5:30 a.m. to drive back to Toronto. The evening before had been filled with incredible connections—with government officials, Members of Parliament, and Senators. Each person I met displayed such quality and genuine engagement, and it felt like a divine orchestration of hearts and minds. With the prayer covering and the deep spiritual atmosphere of the evening, I left Ottawa filled with renewed hope and love for our government. As I drove out of the city, I prayed over Ottawa, aligning my heart with heaven’s purposes for the city and speaking shalom over it. It was a beautiful conclusion to an unforgettable evening.
P.S. To hear the message Bryan gave, check out his recent talk at CLA Calgary’s Sunday Morning Service from October 27, 2024. (Bryan goes on at the 25 minute mark.) Watch Now