A Better Way

Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

The Gospel

Jesus invites us into a better way and to live a better story. This is the GOOD NEWS, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). This is the gospel and this is the Father’s heart for you. He loves the world and everyone in it, including you. When sin separated humanity from God through Adam and Eve’s rebellion, He set a plan in motion to restore what they lost in the fall. It was a plan involving sacrifice, the forgiveness of sin, and the restoration of innocence.
God knows you. God loves you. You are His workmanship. You are needed, special and unique by design. He has a plan, good works and a purpose, prepared in advance for you. He wants to meet you exactly where you are, here and now, regardless of your past or present situation. Jesus is in the business of making all things new! This is the redemptive power of Jesus!
Jesus is THE WAY, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. There is no other savior. There is no other messiah. There is no other adequate sacrifice other than God’s one and only Son.
Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). You are the joy set before Jesus! His death, resurrection, and triumph over the work of the enemy was done so you could experience glorious freedom and life. Our time on this earth is short relative to eternity, like mist in the air, we are here for a short time and then gone (James 4:14).
Imagine losing someone you love dearly, a parent, a spouse, or a child. Now imagine your heavenly Father, who loves us more than any parent, spouse, or child ever could. How would He feel at the thought of losing you, not just for a number of years, but for all of eternity?
Sin separates us from God. Jesus tells us there is no one good, not even one. Jesus is the only sinless person to have ever lived making Him the only perfect sacrifice. Only through Jesus can we be joined back to the Father. Jesus made the way and we get to decide where we will spend eternity based on our choices concerning Him. It is that simple.
God is perfect in nature. He sets the standard, and His standard is perfect Holiness. In our sinful state, His standard is unattainable. Think about it, how can any darkness be mixed with perfect glorious light? They cannot exist together, which is exactly our problem.
But… God’s love is relentless. His goodness is limitless. His faithfulness is unquestionable. His peace goes far beyond circumstance. His justice is perfect. It is not subjective. It is absolutely righteous. He is also perfectly merciful. So, while we deserve eternal punishment, God provided His son as a way back to our original place as righteous sons and daughters made Holy through Jesus’ sacrifice. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He took our punishment (Romans 5:8).
Salvation has nothing to do with your ability and everything to do with His ability and His righteousness. It’s received by faith in Jesus. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved and experience eternal life (Romans 10:13).
What does it cost? It will cost you everything. It cost Jesus His life! It will cost you yours too, but in a different way. Salvation requires you to make Jesus the Lord of your life. It requires a divine exchange, your life for His, your pain for His healing, your ashes for His beauty, your control for His Lordship, your plans for His better way.
In the words of Jesus, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).
With Jesus, you die to live. In practice, it is the beginning of the end of self-reliance, self-focus, and self-preservation, a shift from independence to dependence and from bondage to freedom, from our ways to His ways. Who the Son sets free is free indeed!
Jesus is the only answer to what your soul longs for. He is the only person who can fill the hole within your soul. He is the only one who can provide your life with true eternal meaning and limitless hope.
If you want to receive the gift of the gospel, pray this prayer:
Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I repent for my sins and ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that You are the Son of God, died for my sins and were raised from the dead. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. I invite you into my heart and make You Lord of my life. I receive the gift of eternal salvation by faith. Thank you Jesus! Amen!
If you believe the words above with your heart and say this prayer (confess with your mouth), you will be saved. By grace, you have been saved through faith. The blood of Jesus paid the full price! Your name has been written in the book of life. You are not your own. You are His! You are now a new creation, a child of God, in union with Jesus and forever secured in God’s family! Jesus is one with you. His righteousness is now your righteousness. It is finished!
Jesus came to give you life and life abundantly! From here on out, your journey on earth is rooted in becoming totally conformed into the image of Jesus. Your mission is to know the Father, to make Him known and to join together with the saints in making earth as it is in heaven. God’s plan for your life is so much bigger than yourself. It impacts your family, all those around you, and the earth.
Remember, Jesus is your salvation, your truth, your wisdom, your love, your peace, your joy, your healer, your righteousness, your victory and your hope. Jesus is all in all! As you embrace your union with Him, you are continually transformed, from glory to glory. This is the greatest adventure available! You get the incredible privilege of having a relationship with Jesus in the spirit and manifest Him on the earth!

We are on the journey with you!

Bryn & Bryan